Author Chat with Amina Akhtar

Hey book peeps!

I have a fantastic author chat for you today! The wonderful and talented Amina Akhtar is here to talk about her upcoming release (out officially February 1st 🍾) ALMOST SURELY DEAD, a Mindy’s Book Studio selection! πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½

I was fortunate enough to read an ARC of this fantastic mystery thriller, and let me tell you, I was riveted to this story for so many reasons. I loved all the South Asian references, which always makes a book feel like home to me. The twists and turns kept me guessing. I wasn’t sure who to trust, the protag Dunia included. I loved the folklore/occult elements and how they gave me chills in the best way. I’ve never read a story quite like this before, blending modern and ancient to form the perfect mystery. Can you tell I loved it?? πŸ₯°πŸ“–

Thank so much to Amina for stopping by the blog and taking the time to author chat with us! Once I finished reading, I had so many questions. πŸ€“

Here we go!!

AK: The first thing I noticed was the dedication. Can you explain the inspiration behind the book and where the idea came from? Have you always wanted to write a book like this?

AA: Yesβ€”my dad, much like the father in the story, would tell us jinn tales about him growing up with jinn in his house. His great-grandfather would work with jinn, so they were always around. There was one room in the house my father lived in as a child where the jinn were, and if anyone went in there they’d get slapped around. Except for my dad; he was fine in that room. So he kept his toys in there.

AK: What was the research like? Did you deep dive into South Asian and Middle-Eastern folklore, or were your main sources the stories passed down in your family?

AA: I did both academic research and honestly just sat down with my dad to learn more of our history with jinn. Seriously recommend having your parents tell you their stories because one day they’ll be gone.

I also felt it was important to look at what scholars though of jinn and I learned so much. It’s fascinating!

AK: The podcasters quickly became so cringing, clearly exploiting Dunia’s disappearance, they really got on my nerves. Is there any subtext there you’d like to expand upon? Are you an avid podcast listener yourself?

AA: I’m not. I find that true crime has become this horrid way to get famous on someone else’s tragedy. That said, there are some really great crime podcasters who are legitimately trying to solve cases.

AK: I felt so bad for Dunia’s sleepwalking. I’ve done that a couple of times as a kid and it can be very scary and disorientating. What made you want to include that element?

AA: I sleepwalk, still. I sleepwalk a few times a month. I had an incident where I was doing it daily and, like Dunia, was trying to find something that didn’t belong that was in my apartment. Apparently my apartment was haunted and that’s how I found out.

AK: How awesome has it been being a Mindy’s Book Studio selection?

AA: It’s been amazing and so rewarding. I’m such a big fan of Mindy’s work, and I respect her so much for the way she’s lifting up other authors of color. I hope it sets a trend across publishing. πŸ‘πŸ½

AK: Last but not least, what’s next for you?

AA: I’m working on my next book which is all about weddings. But it’s one of my books so you know it’ll be full of bodies.

Photo: Orlando Pelagio


Amina Akhtar is a novelist and former fashion editor. Her satirical first novel, #FashionVictim, drew critical acclaim. Kismet, her second book, was set in the stunning and creepy world of wellness. 

Akhtar has worked at Vogue, Elle, the New York Times, and New York Magazine, where she was the founding editor of the women’s blog The Cut. She currently lives not too far from the Sedona vortices.

Almost Surely Dead is Akhtar’s third novel.

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